
Returning you funds Couldn't Be Easier

Completed your Raise the Dough event? Well done!

Returning your funds is really simple:
• Lodge the funds into our AIB bank account. Please ensure you use your lodgement slip that we provided for you. This has a unique reference on it. If you do not have this. Please ensure you put the name of your organization and county on the “Reference” section of the bank lodgement form: Example: "Rathmines Girl Guides Bake"
Our bank details are: AIB – Artane Branch
Account Number: 28000165 Sort Code: 93 20 78

• Over the phone speak to one of the Raise the Dough team at 1850 50 40 50 (We accept all card payments and can process securely).

• Easily done on our website

• Post cheque or postal order to : Raise the Dough, ISPCC, 29 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2


Thank you for supporting ISPCC Childline. The monies you raise will be part of every call, text and online contact we answer.

Copyright ISPCC Childline 2017 - ISPCC Childline is part of the ISPCC - Charity No: CHY: 5102 Charity Registration No:20007225

 It is registered in Ireland at 29 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2.